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Zen-Sations Hot Peelable Waxing Treatment, Especially For Those Intimate Areas

In the Orihuela Costa the sun makes an appearance on average 325 days per year, which means little time for us girls to hide our hairy bits behind winter clothes, so keeping on top of your hair removal treatments is important for us. The bikini line is especially important as we don't want those unsightly red bumps halfway down our legs left by the razor. Other than a bit of immediate discomfort, which we hard core girls can easily take, I think waxing is the best hair removal choice. It's quick and it can last a long time. The intimate waxes can be embarrassing (I will go into to that in more depth in a mo) but it leaves a smoooooooth finish and causes no itching and irritation. Waxing methods have improved significantly over time, with therapists using pre and post wax oils to help keep the discomfort to a minimum and there is certainly NO DOUBLE DIPPING on my watch, meaning no contamination in the pot and on your skin.

Strip Wax

Warm, strip wax is the most commonly used wax at the moment, probably because it is cheaper and generally quicker to use. It sticks to the skin and is therefore recommended for less sensitive skin and/or larger areas, such as, legs, arms, back and chest. A thin layer of wax is applied to the skin and is then removed using a paper or at Zen-Sations a material strip.

What is Hot Wax?

It's all the rage in the salons around London now and is Zen-Sations hot wax of choice. Outback Organics Hot Wax is also used in Harrods! Called Hot Wax because, well, Outback Organics Hot Wax has a lower melting point than other hot waxes and is therefore only slightly hotter than warm wax, so who knows! It is tested on my wrist (or yours if you want) before it is applied so don't worry, it won't burn! Also known as peelable wax because, yes, it's peelable! It is applied to the skin with a spatula in a much thicker consistency than strip wax, left to dry (which takes less than 30 seconds), it 'shrink wraps' around the hair as it dries, as opposed to sticking to the skin and remains supple when it cools and peels off cleanly from the skin. No strips necessary.

Why is Hot Wax Better than Strip Wax?

  • its waxing, of course it still hurts an ikkle bit, it's being pulled from its root, but it is less painful than strip wax

  • your skin will look less like a plucked chicken; no lumps and bumps

  • there is little to no reddening of the skin

  • causes less irritation and no itchiness, especially useful around intimate areas

  • It works well on small patches of strong coarse hair

  • It does not leave a sticky residue; no bits of clothing stuck to you

  • It is excellent for removing shorter hairs

  • Made for those with sensitive skin

  • fewer ingrown hairs

  • hydrates the skin

It is the only wax Zen-Sations will use for intimate and facial areas; no one is coming near my bits with a strip, even if it is material, hot wax or no wax for me!!!

How can I be wax ready?

Exfoliate the area a couple of days before to help get rid of dead skin cells as this helps to prevent ingrown hairs and bumps and allows the wax to come off more easily, less pull on the skin-less pain for you . On the actual day of your appointment don't use moisturiser or apply deodorant as I'll only have to wipe it all off again! No sunbeds 24hrs. before as it can make the skin sensitive and cause skin lift and no saunas, steams or Jacuzzi s 24hrs before as these leave the hair follicles wide open, meaning pesky little bacteria can get in and cause infections.

How long should my hair be?

This question is usually concerned more with the intimate areas.

Please don't come with long hair, I'm a beauty therapist who waxes not a hairdresser and I will only have to spend more time on the area trimming to a suitable length!!! I can do this of course, but most of us women want the intimate areas waxing as quickly as possible.

Our hot wax can grab hair as short as 2mm in length. However it would be better if it was around 1cm in length for a clean wax. Once it has been waxed it is best to have the treatment repeated every 3 to 6 weeks dependant on the growth rate of the hair. Keep your waxing up on a regular basis and the hair will become weaker, which means you get longer between waxes.

What hair styles are on offer?

Basic bikini line; all hair removed up to where your knickers/bikini would be

Brazilian; hair is removed from between the buttocks, underneath and leaves a strip of hair at the front.

Hollywood; as above, but minus the strip, in other words baldilocks!

Do I need to take my knickers off/is there discretion used?

I’m afraid you do if you want a straight ‘landing strip’, you want all the hair removed and you don’t want to get wax all over your underwear and mmm define discretion! A towel will be placed over the area initially, but to get to it to take the hair away I have to move the towel and yes your bits will be on show. Please bear in mind I am a therapist and I am looking only at the length of your hair, the type of hair, i.e. is it coarse and most importantly the direction of growth to ensure I get it off in as few strips as possible. I know there are various positions the client can get into to have this done, but for me you will start in ‘doggy’ position, on all fours. Oh no, I hear you say, I know this sounds embarrassing, but I promise it’s the quickest, most comfortable and easiest way to get to the buttocks and underneath area, before you will be asked to turn over and complete the treatment.


No matter how embarrassing you think it is, you will never have to be in the position I was when I was going through my training. I had an audience!!! We all had to take turns to have the treatment done, how else could we have practised, but I went first! Introductions were made and within 15mins I was on a bed on all fours, back arched, legs spread and bum in the air!!! the tutor gave direction; two girls worked on a side each together while the tutor stood with the other three girls all pointing and discussing what was in front of them, my bits!!! Yes I was embarrassed for 5mins, but I got over it and of course the results were worth it and I definitely have it done again!

INTERESTED? Look on my bookings or contact page to make an appointment, I promise you will never go back to strip waxing.

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